Our department's research assistant and doctoral student Zeliha Demirci Ünal, was awarded the 2021-2022 Academic Year METU Thesis Awards for her master's thesis titled "Examining the Program-Based Experiences of Preschool Teachers About Supporting Children's Social Skills", which she completed under the supervision of Prof.Dr. Feyza Tantekin Erden.

Nur Alaçam, one of our graduates, was awarded the 2021-2022 Academic Year METU Thesis Awards for her doctoral dissertation titled "Comparative Investigation of Early Childhood Teachers' Portfolio Practices: Cases from Turkey and the United States", which she completed under the supervision of Prof.Dr. Refika Olgan and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Yeşim Çapa Aydın.

We congratulate our students and their advisors.

Last Updated:
24/10/2023 - 11:12