Ph.D. Courses
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ECE 600 Ph.D. Seminar in Early Childhood Education (NC)
This seminar course is designed to allow PhD candidates to engage in good empirical research practices in the social sciences. Lectures focus on assumptions and the logic underlying social research. The participants will become acquainted with a variety of approaches to research design, and are helped to develop their own research projects and to evaluate the products of empirical research.
Students will work individually to design a research project. Results will be presented orally to the peers at the end of the semester, with a final public presentation that is open top the entire university community.
ECE 603 Advanced Educational Research & Ethics (3-0) 3
This course gives emphasis on understanding advance research topics and ethical issues considered while conducting educational research. Throughout the course students expected to conceptualize analysis and interpreting quantitative and qualitative research problems, methods, data, data analysis, and reporting results.
ECE 699 Ph.D. Thesis (NC)
Program of research leading to Ph.D. degree, arranged between student and a faculty member. Students register for this course while the research program or write-up of thesis is in progress.
ECE 501 Historical and Theoretical Bases of Early Childhood (3-0) 3
Different philosophical and psychological theories that form the foundation of early childhood education programs and practices. Historical events that influenced the direction and nature of the care and education of young children.
ECE 502 Organizational and Administration of Early Childhood Program (3-0) 3
Different organizational plans for early childhood programs. Discussion of school philosophy, goals, curriculum, housing, staffing, budget, and policies for admission, grouping, health, licensing requirements, and school-community relations.
ECE 503 Advanced Child Theory (3-0) 3
In depth study of theories and theoreticians of maturationist, behaviorist, psychoanalytical, cognitive and ecological and other modern theories.
ECE 504 Embodied Learning in Education (3-0) 3
This is an interdisciplinary course investigating the connection between mind and body. Embodied Learning can b defined as that which we learn through the experience of doing tasks with the body-through moving, breathing, and sensing. These embodied experiences are the source and context for thinking, speaking and imagining. Therefore, in this course, students will discover a)the definition and characteristic of embodied learning, b) the benefits of using an active curriculum, c)the ways movement tells us about how we learn and live, d)the ways how physical expression helps us understand ourselves, and e) the ways how we -as educators -can motivate learners to learn while moving and performing.
ECE 505 Independent Study in ECE (2-2) 3
This course is a project-based course designed to provide the students with the opportunity to explore and study an area of early childhood education under the guidance of the instructor. The student is expected to produce a scholarly paper or a project related to the topic chosen and to make an oral presentation upon the completion of the paper or the project.
ECE 519 Parent-Teacher-Child Relationships(3-0) 3
To assist those in the field of early childhood education in the understanding and effective handling of questions arising from parent-child relationships and teacher-parent-child relationships. Through the use of readings, case histories, and data drawn from individual experiences, an understanding is sought of the dynamics of the most frequently encountered problems of children in classrooms. Development of methods of forming constructive relationships with children, parents, and ancillary school or social agency personnel.
ECE 523 Techniques of Classroom Management and Child Study (3-0) 3
Identifying and analyzing theories, programs, and essential components in classroom management. Exploring techniques for classroom teachers to use in developing a child study with emphasis on educational implications.
ECE 544 Early Childhood Social and Moral Development (3-0) 3
Advanced study of Piaget and Kohlberg’s moral development focusing on early childhood children. A developmental perspective is applied to the study of behavioral patterns, feelings, and attitudes that early childhood children manifest in relation to other people. Topics include attachment, prosocial and antisocial behavior, gender development, and the consequences of social experience.
ECE 553 Infants and Toddlers (3-0) 3
Approaches, techniques, and materials to use in caring for infants and toddlers in a program setting. Methods for developing age-appropriate curricula and setting up environments. The components of quality care and education for children ages 0-3. Physical, motor, language, cognitive, social and emotional characteristics of infants and toddlers, enhancing and supporting their development through activities, instructional materials and environmental arrangements.
ECE 554 Observing Young Children (3-0) 3
The means of observing and recording the behavior of young children. To use observation methods to describe children’s behavior by relating to developmental theories. Methods, including anecdotal records, running records, time samples, and frequency charts to gather information for the development of a student’s children’s development portfolio.
ECE 606 Classroom Management and Effective Discipline in Early Childhood and Elementary Education (3-0) 3
Study and discussion of discipline and classroom management theories. Methods of establishing an effective early childhood and elementary classroom organization to promote appropriate behavior.
ECE 612 Observing, Documenting and Assessing in Early Childhood (3-0) 3
The purpose of this course is to help Ph.D. students in developing their skills and experience for observing and recording the behavior of young children. The course is designed to offer an opportunity for each student to use observation methods to describe children s behavior by relating to developmental theories. This course focuses on methods including anecdotal records, running records, time samples, event sampling, frequency charts, and portfolios.
ECE 615 Current Research in Early Childhood Education (3-0) 3
The course aims to help Ph.D. students to become familiar with early childhood research, and to understand the ways education research relates to practice and early care and education quality improvement. The course mainly focuses on the current state of theory and research on learning, instruction, and curriculum in early childhood education. There will be a review of selected studies that try to synthesize the research movements in early childhood education. Therefore, the course is expected to provide the graduate students with a sound understanding and critical perspective of the early childhood education research.
ECE 618 Instructional Planning for Early Childhood Movement Education (3-0) 3
An in-depth understanding of the common physical education instructional strategies used to teach preschool and elementary school age children. Special attention is focused on applying disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge in developing effective learning environments and experiences.
ECE 620 Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education (3-0) 3
Study of qualitative research traditions; qualitative research with and about children, families, and early childhood education professionals; foundations of qualitative designs; collecting qualitative data in early childhood contexts; ethnographic research; school-ethnography; video-ethnography of education; action research in early childhood; approaches to analysis of qualitative data.
ECE 651 Foundations and Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education (3-0) 3
Foundations of educational programs and current research and practices related to the education of young children with an emphasis on sociological, cultural, historical, and philosophical factors. Examination of early childhood program improvements and revisions such as parent involvement, anti-bias curricula, the impact of technology and media, leadership, professionalism and child advocacy.
ECE 652 International Early Childhood Education: Comparing Commonalities and Differences (3-0) 3
Study and comparison of the education of young children in selected countries from a comparative perspective. Emphasis is on the historical progress and the curriculum models applied in these countries.
ECE 657 Parenting and Parental Involvement in Early Years (3-0) 3
In this course students will examine current theory, research and issues relevant to parents, and parenting throughout the lifespan as well as current research on parental involvement in early years. Throughout the course the students are planned to become knowledgeable about theory and research relevant to parenting, parent-teacher relationships from multiple perspectives; students will also have chance to compare, and contrast research in this area.
ECE 658 Interpretive Research with Children (3-0) 3
Study of sociocultural views on children and childhood; making sense of children's perspectives and experiences; designing research with and about children; recruiting child participants in research; methods of data collection with and from children; art-based data collection methods; analysis of data coming from children; critical issues in researching experiences of children from disadvantaged conditions; ethical challenges in researching children's experiences.
ECE 666 Advanced Curriculum Study in Early Childhood Education (3-0) 3
In-depth study of educators and philosophers, who have influenced early childhood curricula. Emphasis on the beliefs of Piaget, Dewey, Vygotsky, Montessori, Bruner, Gardner and how they influence each student’s educational belief system.
ECE 667 Play Theory in Early Childhood Education (3-0) 3
Study of the concepts and uses of play in education based on theory, research, and teacher experience. Philosophical bases will be explored in defining and articulating educational play and its learning and developmental benefits.
ECE 669 Program Development for Early Childhood Education (3-0) 3
Current trends in planning, implementing, and assessing early childhood programs for children 0-6 years old. Emphasis is on developmentally appropriate practices, child-centered and play-based curriculum and inclusion.
ECE 671 Media in the Lives of Young Children (3-0) 3
Discussion of the role of digital media in the lives of children and their families, investigation of the relationship between the media culture and child's development . Current debates surrounding the issue will be discussed in light of the recent research findings.
ECE 672 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education in Early Years (3-0) 3
The study of the roots of interdisciplinary education and interdisciplinary approaches to education in early years like the Project Approach, STEM Education and the Creative Curriculum.
ECE 675 Emotional Development in Early Years (3-0) 3
Discussion of types of emotions, adult responses to emotions parallel with cultural and/or personal expectations; ways of helping young children to control their emotions and ways of helping them to be resilient.
ECE 677 Education For Sustainable Development: Theory And Practice For ECE (3-0) 3
Study of the concept of sustainable development and producing ESD based materials in early childhood environments.