Dissertation Defense
Beyza Hamamcı, one of the research assistants in our department, defended her thesis entitled "The Mathematical Abilities of Young Children in the Context of Hemodynamic Changes, Executive Function, Home and School Environment" which she conducted under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasibe Özlen Demircan, and was found to be successful on February 18, 2025. We would like to thank her advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasibe Özlen Demircan and co-advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuke Moriguchi, and committee members Prof. Dr. Refika Olgan, Prof. Dr. Feyza Tantekin Erden, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Hakkı Acar, and Prof. Dr. Ata Akın for their valuable contributions. We wish her all the success in the future.