Early Childhood Education Graduate Seminar
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Issues related to Time, Focus, and Depth in Research: Field Notes From Refugee Education Studies
February 3, 2022, Thursday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
In this talk, Dr. Elif Karsli-Çalamak will share her fieldwork experiences from her studies with refugee and migrant children, their families, and teachers across Turkey and the United States. The researcher will engage participants in a discussion around time, focus, and depth in qualitative research as she shares examples from her various R&D projects, including her recent TÜBİTAK 2236 (CoCirculation2) grant.
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92448050247?pwd=blpDaU1LRHJibUJuTE44eGxocjZLdz09
This talk is open to graduate students in Early Childhood Education program at METU.